Explore our selection of over 40 uniquely Black stories, vividly performed and expertly crafted.
Get a deeper dive into the history and making of some of your favorite stories.
Hear directly from some of the most influential talents in Black culture.
Enjoy a monthly magazine that contains sneak peeks, insightful information, and other tidbits.
The need to share and spread our stories has never been stronger. In creative response to the recent political landscape, as well as a celebration of Black History Month, MPAACT is very proud to provide free access to select titles of our acclaimed Podcast Play catalogue. From now until the end of February, please enjoy unlimited listens to these handpicked, hard-hitting titles.
Listen. Engage. Respond.
Young black activist known as FX has been waging a politically-motivated graffiti campaign, spraying the word “FERAL” on the sides of buildings all over the city. In the heat of a late July night, FX is caught in a moment of violence with the local police. The resulting controversy engulfs the city and the country, but will all this commotion overshadow the complex ideas FX hoped to communicate?
A stellar company of voices bring to life a collection of moments that will forever define a generation. A “two-week exercise” to “keep sane” has exploded into a year-long chronicle of our time. Project Uplift follows a realtime, day to day poetic account of the global pandemic- through the lense of a Black Man in America.
On an express train home to watch Scandal, Isis gets all the elements of her favorite show – drama, passion and heart-stopping suspense when she collides into a professor who dares to swirl into her orbit and take her breath away. A heady mix of Baraka’s Dutchman and the mythos of Isis and the Seven Scorpions, PULLED PUNCHES investigates “identity politics” in the age of being “woke” and well-intentioned. How long should we pull punches before we let them fly?
Ron OJ Parson hit Chicago in the late 80’s looking for new opportunities. Always a restless performer, in Chicago Ron would diversify his craft, becoming a producer, director, and theater founder. Over the next 4 decades, Ron forged a legacy of partnership with August Wilson, and Court Theater (among others) that made him one of the most celebrated directors of the August Wilson cycle. Join us for a candid talk about Ron’s life and his art.
Nick Sandys has spent his entire life on the move. From the very beginning, Nick was drawn into the arts, first as an actor, then as a choreographer of staged violence.
His career arc has taken him from a founding ensemble member of Remy Bummpo Theatre to the top seat as its Artistic Director.
Never content sitting still, Nick has moved across the globe from his native England to the US and beyond, working in European classics, opera, musicals, and yes, a continuing relationship with MPAACT as an actor and choreographer.
Lauren “LL” Lundy talks craft and career evolution with the master teacher himself.
Red Summer culminates in Tremble and Bleed, a dramatization of the deadly street battles that came to represent the seventh day of riotous social upheaval in Chicago during the summer 1919.
In a finale complete with visceral staged violence, a stirring and lyrical battle song, (Tremble and Bleed) and the desperate families on both sides of the conflict that suffer catastrophic losses, this penultimate moment in our new musical left audiences stunned and staggered.
Choreographers and composers gathered here, with our talented cast to discuss the song, the movement, and the historical moment that closes this riveting new musical.
Introducing our newest podcast title – Nightcap.
In the arts business, much of our social interaction centers on an after-show sip – and perhaps a cigar or other plant-based amusement.
During those moments some of the most honest conversations blossom.
In the spirit of those moments, we wanted to build a topic-oriented episodic program to discuss our work as storytellers and artmakers.
From the time of our ancestors, our story and our history has been told orally. The Griot in our villages kept and told the oral history of our people, and passed it down to the next generations. More recently, our transplanted elders gathered the family around the victrola radio in the living room and listened to the news and stories of the world, as well as weekend episodes of the family’s favorite radio serials.
Birthed during the global pandemic which shuttered our theatre doors for a year, we took heart in the ability to return to our elders’ tradition. MPAACT invites you to stream our Podcast Play Series- radio plays presented for your enjoyment. Gather around with family and enjoy dynamically Black stories presented comfortably in your home.
MPAACT exists to develop, nurture, and sustain Afrikan Centered Theatre [ACT], an artistic expression grounded in the many cultures and traditions of the Afrikan continent and its Diaspora. With a vision focused on creating new work and collaborative art, MPAACT produces and educates with the goal of increasing understanding and appreciation of [ACT] and its interrelated disciplines.
MPAACT has grown from a collective of like-minded individuals who shared an artistic vision, to an organization that has produced a formidable body of work. This work includes: main stage productions, a playwright’s laboratory, standing productions, original music, a publishing company [Sakhu Publications], an arts education program, and many workshops and master classes.
It is important to us as a company that we, in everything we do, pull from the disparate cultural elements which unite artists in the Afrikan Diaspora. Drawing from the well that nourished artists such as Wole Soyinka, Charles Mingus, Adrienne Kennedy, Amiri Baraka and Bob Marley among others, we create and perform work, which examines and celebrates the many facets of Afrikan theatre.
Want to learn more? Visit our official website mpaact.org!
Greenhouse Theatre Center
2257 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60614
Mail: P.O. Box 10039
Chicago IL, 60610